Series: Mix'd Messages

Sunlight Lake Worth | Live Service | September 3, 2023

September 03, 2023 | Eli Muñoz

Israel was known for its exclusivity. It worked hard to set itself apart from other nations and peoples. The church, also known as the new Israel, has often taken a similar approach. We are often more passionate about what we are against than what we are for. We draw circles around those who are "in" and exclude those who are "out".

How do we understand God's guidance when it comes to how we relate to the people of our world. Let's go back to the beginning (almost). In Genesis 12, God tells Abraham that through him, all of the peoples of the earth will be blessed. God also instructed His people, Abraham's children, not to be like the other nations who chased after idols. They were to be set apart for God.

Being set apart does not mean ostracizing others. We are called to be different most especially in our love for those who are different from us. See how the two concepts flow together. It is our uncommon love for outsiders that sets us apart as God's people!

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