Series: Multiply

Sunlight Lake Worth | Live Service | May 7, 2023

May 07, 2023 | Kris Vos

Undaunted means: not intimidated or discouraged by difficulty, danger, or disappointment. I read the book Undaunted Courage by Stephen Ambrose. It was the story of Lewis and Clark's journey across the uncharted west. They faced countless difficulties, dangers, and disappointments and still they were not dissuaded! At one point on the trek Grizzly bear encounters were so frequent and dangerous that they made a policy that no one could explore alone. They always went together.

In our passage from Acts 4 this week we will see danger and difficulty of another kind. Peter and John are "detained" for telling people about Jesus Christ. They are given a warning to keep their mouths shut about such things. That warning carried some weight. Peter and John had watched Jesus die a horrible death not so long ago. They knew what the religious leaders were capable of. Yet, they were undaunted. In fact, they prayed that God would give them even more courage.

In a world plagued by evil, you have been given power and authority to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ. Hope, deliverance, peace, freedom and so much more are all part of the Good News. At the same time, talking about the Good News of Jesus Christ is going against the flow in our culture. Do you feel the resistance? If you don't feel the need for courage in following Christ, you might not be doing it right.

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