Series: Jesus: The Glory of Christ
Jesus: The Glory of Christ | Finale
April 11, 2021 | Kris Vos
This Sunday we will conclude our series on the life of Jesus. We will look at His "victory lap" better known as His Ascension into heaven. Are their "spoils" for Jesus's great victory over death and the grave? Oh, indeed there are! We are still experiencing the power and the impact of Christ's victory more than 2000 years later.
Series Information
We begin a new series called Jesus - The Glory of Christ! There are many needs that drive us in this life. When those needs are not met, they turn to fears. When our fears get out of hand, they lead us to some dark places. We have seen fear produce hostility and violence in recent days in our country. How can we replace fear with confidence and hope? It's all about priorities. "Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you."